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Coronavirus Advice From Our Blog

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Guidance and workplace best practices on how organisations can stay connected, better communicate and support the mental wellbeing of their employees during this unprecedented time.

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Coronavirus Q&A:

How Can Organisations Lead Through Times of Uncertainty?

Our Great Place to Work® UK consultants, Petrina Carmody, Sara Silvonen and Dr. Gonzalo Shoobridge, have vast experience working with organisations that are going through times of change and uncertainty. They have shared some insight, tips and best practices for HR teams and leaders to utilise within their own organisations.


Recommended Resources:

5 Free Resources to Help Employees Thrive in these Uncertain Times

Our Great Place to Work® UK consultants, Petrina Carmody, Sara Silvonen and Dr. Gonzalo Shoobridge, have vast experience working with organisations that are going through times of change and uncertainty. They have shared some insight, tips and best practices for HR teams and leaders to utilise within their own organisations.

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Wellbeing in the time of COVID-19:

Making your Home a GPTW

Practically overnight, entire workforces were ordered to embrace the modern agile trend of working from home. Whilst some employees, and entire organisations, would have been partially or even fully accustomed to this trend, to others it signified a major step outside of their comfort zone. But even without the luxuries of a fully-equipped, ergonomic home office – which many employees can only dream of – working from home can be made effective and comfortable

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Wellbeing in the time of COVID-19:

Ways of Self-Care

During this time of uncertainty that poses direct challenges to our physical, mental and social sense of wellbeing, it is more important than ever to actively invest in self-care. While our employers, family and friends can encourage us to do so, ultimately the responsibility to keep healthy – to thrive, even – lies in our own hands.